Monday, January 16, 2017

Yesterday I finished week one of Couch to 5K training.  I highly recommend the program, I followed it last year and was ready to run a 5 k in 8 weeks.  I decided to restart the program after dealing with 4 weeks off my feet.  This time I am doing it at a faster pace though.  The blackbelt test I will face in August finishes (after 8+ hours of karate) with a one mile run, 50 pushups, 50 situps and 50 deepknee bends. I need to be faster than I was last summer for the mile and I am basing my c25k pace on that goal.  I have also decided to add in pushups, situps and deep knee bends daily.  For January it will be 20 a day, February it will be 25, March = 30, April = 35, May = 40, June = 45 and July 50.  I am also wanting to develope the mentality of a martial artist in the rest of my life and so I've brought home a few reads from the library.  I think I will start with Zen in the Martial Arts.

One thing I have learned about myself through this journey is that I can do it.  I have come back from injuries and I have every faith in my ability to live a martial artist life.  I am the Ninja Librarian!

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