Friday, February 28, 2025


Week 6: (3 Feb 2025 – 9 Feb 2025)
The theme for Week 6 is “Surprise.” What ancestor dealt with a surprising thing in their life? Any stories of surprise birthday parties? How about the most surprising thing you’ve found or something in a surprising place?

For this week’s topic of ‘surprise’ we will look back into Percy and Lessie (Celestia) Archibald’s children. In my early days of research, I didn’t necessarily keep good records and didn’t really try to document events. Then as I started to document I realized I needed burial information for Percy. I had some census but didn’t have his death info yet. He was listed in the 1900 but by 1910 Lessie was listed as a remarried. I made a phone call down to Lott Cemetery (the city cemetery) in Waycross, Georgia to see if they had any information about Percy since Georgia did not keep death records yet. I was very blessed to have a great employee answer the phone and I asked her saying that “I’m looking to see if my Great Great Grandfather Percy Archibald is buried there – it would have been between 1900 and 1910.” She put me on hold and went to look in her data. After a few brief moments she came back on the line with an odd response. Not only did she find my Percy Archibald 1867-1908 but she found another buried right next to him with the years 1906-1909. What! Surprise there was a child also named Percy Archibald! Here Percy had a son Percy Junior that nobody in the later generations knew about. This little 3-year-old had a such brief life and while I don’t know much more about him other than he’s my Great Grand Uncle. I am proud to introduce little Percy Jr. to the world of 2025.

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