Friday, February 28, 2025


Week 6: (3 Feb 2025 – 9 Feb 2025)
The theme for Week 6 is “Surprise.” What ancestor dealt with a surprising thing in their life? Any stories of surprise birthday parties? How about the most surprising thing you’ve found or something in a surprising place?

For this week’s topic of ‘surprise’ we will look back into Percy and Lessie (Celestia) Archibald’s children. In my early days of research, I didn’t necessarily keep good records and didn’t really try to document events. Then as I started to document I realized I needed burial information for Percy. I had some census but didn’t have his death info yet. He was listed in the 1900 but by 1910 Lessie was listed as a remarried. I made a phone call down to Lott Cemetery (the city cemetery) in Waycross, Georgia to see if they had any information about Percy since Georgia did not keep death records yet. I was very blessed to have a great employee answer the phone and I asked her saying that “I’m looking to see if my Great Great Grandfather Percy Archibald is buried there – it would have been between 1900 and 1910.” She put me on hold and went to look in her data. After a few brief moments she came back on the line with an odd response. Not only did she find my Percy Archibald 1867-1908 but she found another buried right next to him with the years 1906-1909. What! Surprise there was a child also named Percy Archibald! Here Percy had a son Percy Junior that nobody in the later generations knew about. This little 3-year-old had a such brief life and while I don’t know much more about him other than he’s my Great Grand Uncle. I am proud to introduce little Percy Jr. to the world of 2025.


Week 9:
The theme for Week 9 is “Family Secret.” Have you uncovered a family secret? (A reminder that you do not need to post anything publicly.) A secret doesn’t have to be big or negative. (Like my grandpa not telling us grandkids that he was the one playing Santa at the Christmas party.)

Due to the nature of this document I will not be revealing any particular Family Secrets but will be addressing how to deal with them when we do discover them. Family Secrets tend to come out in the process of researching your family tree. Even before DNA analysis was readily available, previous marriages or children born out of wedlock might have surfaced during a thorough investigation of a family lineage.

To say that DNA analysis has changed the way we go about doing genealogical research is not necessarily true, as a good researcher uses both DNA and documentation, but DNA does reveal those secrets hidden behind our paper trails.

Some secrets I have found include a child born and who passed away at the age of 3 in the early 1900s. while this may not have been a purposely kept secret, by the time I came along and started looking into the family, this child had been left out of the family stories.  Another example I found was a family where the first wife of a gentleman passed shortly after childbirth. The man quickly remarried, and all the child’s later documents listed the stepmother as the mother, as she was the one who raised the child. While we cannot be certain whether the child knew about their birth mother, the current generations of the family had not received this information. I have also come across previous engagements that never solemnized into marriage for a myriad of reasons.

Of course, with discussing Family Secrets, it is difficult to avoid the big secrets such as adoptions that were never spoken of.  Now, with DNA analysis we are discovering more cases where our “Nurture family” may not be our “Nature family”

I choose to use the terms “nurturing family” and “natural family” when discussing family secrets involving adoption or cases where a child was born to different parents than those who raised them. These terms are not meant to pass judgment but rather to acknowledge that we are all a product of both nature and nurture.

To illustrate how both nature and nurture shape us, according to my DNA Traits, I am genetically unlikely to play an instrument, a trait I inherited from my mother’s DNA. However, my mother grew up singing after hearing her uncle sing in church, joined choirs at school, and decided that she wanted to be like her teacher, ultimately becoming a music teacher. Because of her influence, I took piano lessons and played saxophone in the marching band. This demonstrates how both genetic predisposition and environmental factors contribute to our skills and interests.

When I work with people analyzing their DNA and discovering that there was an NPE (Non-Parental Event) I emphasize that who they are today results from both the natural and nurturing families. We should not judge our ancestors for decisions they made or actions they took because we do not know their reasons. However, we do know that their choices ultimately led to our existence.

When we think of starting families today – it’s very possible that someone you know has used or was conceived through fertility treatments, whether via IVF, other medical interventions, or surgical procedures. Infertility is not a modern issue; it has existed throughout history.  The first historically rumored case of artificial insemination dates back to the 1400’s, while the first documented case was in the 1790s. Such treatments often occurred discreetly, as people feared social judgment. Before medical advancements, some individuals also conceived children through alternative means, including with a different partner. It is also worth remembering that, historically, women’s primary societal role was to bear children, as they were often unable to work outside the home. As gender roles have evolved, discussions about fertility and reproductive choices have become less taboo.

When handling the potential emotional impact of family discoveries I take the ‘secret’ to the next closest relative who may be affected and ask how they want to handle the information. I allow them time to sit with the information before discussing how they would like to approach the topic. However, I make it clear that I will not lie to maintain a secret. If I am asked directly about something, I will divulge the information, but I will not broadcast or proactively share it if the individual chooses to keep it private. This approach has proven effective for the families involved. Eventually, most people find out, whether through their own research or due to medical inquiries.

I recognize that some people could be emotionally impacted by these discoveries, and I am always respectful when discussing these secrets. I encourage individuals to remember that we are all shaped by the generations that came before us—no matter what.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Week 5: (27 Jan 2025 – 2 Feb 2025)
The theme for Week 5 is “Challenge.” Which ancestor has been challenging to research? What ancestor faced an enormous challenge?

Walter Scott Archibald was born in May 1835 in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia, Canada, into the well-regarded Archibald family. His father, Alexander Lackie Archibald, and mother, Christiana Nicholson Cock, provided him with a strong foundation in a region deeply rooted in Scottish heritage and agricultural traditions. Growing up in Nova Scotia, Walter likely experienced the hardships and resilience required for life in a rural, developing community.

In 1859, at the age of 24, Walter married Olivia Upham McCurdy in Nova Scotia. Olivia, born in 1839, came from a lineage that emphasized education and civic duty. Together, they built a family and eventually had nine children: Frank Ira, Alfred Gordon, Alice, Percy Scott, Mary Elizabeth, James McCurdy, Sarah, Ettie Mary, and Roy F. Archibald. Providing for such a large family would have been both a joy and a challenge, requiring Walter to seek out opportunities beyond his birthplace.

By 1861, Walter and his family were still residing in Colchester, Nova Scotia. However, like many others of his time, he sought better economic prospects and migrated to the United States. By 1870, he had settled in Port Huron, St. Clair County, Michigan, an area bustling with trade, particularly in the lumber and shipping industries. The move likely presented challenges—adapting to a new country, establishing himself in a competitive economy, and ensuring stability for his growing family.

On August 31, 1871, Walter was mentioned in The Times Newspaper in Port Huron, indicating some level of community involvement or recognition. The nature of this mention is unclear, but it suggests he was an active participant in local affairs. However, his time in Michigan was not permanent. By 1881, he had relocated again, this time to Essex, Ontario, Canada, where census records place him and his family. This move might have been motivated by economic shifts, family connections, or changing political landscapes in North America.

Walter’s journey was emblematic of the challenges faced by 19th-century migrants. Moving cross-country in the 1880s was a daunting endeavor, requiring careful planning and resilience. Transportation options varied—some traveled by wagon, enduring months of harsh terrain and unpredictable weather, while others took advantage of the expanding railroad system, particularly after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869. Railroads like the Union Pacific and Central Pacific made migration faster and somewhat safer, although financial costs and legal barriers remained a concern. For those traveling along major waterways, steamboats provided an alternative means of transport.

Challenges along the way included health risks, such as outbreaks of dysentery and cholera in crowded travel conditions, financial struggles, and social adjustments upon arrival in a new community. Economic opportunities were a major driver of migration, with many seeking work in industries such as railroads, mining, and agriculture. Warmer climates, like those in California and Florida, also attracted individuals suffering from chronic illnesses. Walter’s movements across Canada and the United States suggest that he, too, faced many of these trials while searching for a stable livelihood and a secure future for his family.

In November 1886, Walter left Essex, perhaps in pursuit of better opportunities or due to declining health. Eventually, he moved to Florida, where he spent the last years of his life. Warmer climates often attracted those suffering from ailments aggravated by colder weather, hinting that health issues may have played a role in his relocation.

Walter Scott Archibald passed away in February 1892 in Florida, USA, at the age of 56. His remains were buried in Sumter, Florida. A beneficiary payment recorded on May 25, 1897, in Windsor, Ontario, suggests that his family, particularly his wife Olivia, may have faced financial struggles following his death. Olivia, however, lived a long life, passing away in 1933.

Walter’s life was marked by movement and adaptation. From his roots in Nova Scotia to his travels across North America, he faced the challenges of migration, economic shifts, and the responsibility of providing for a large family. Despite these trials, he left behind a legacy carried on by his children, many of whom lived long and full lives, shaping the next generation of the Archibald lineage.












“write a narrative of the life of _____ using the following facts:” prompt. ChatGPT, ChatGPT4.0 version, Open AI, February 2024,